
Friday, May 28, 2021

Lighting a Bunsen Burner


I want to find out how to SAFELY light a Bunsen burner.



  • Heat mat
  • Bunsen burner
  • Matches/Lighter
  • Safety Glasses

1. Get your equipment
2. Put on safety glasses
3. Connect Bunsen to gas cap
4. Turn the collar to close the air hole
5. Light the lighter/matches and hold it over the barrel
6. Turn the gas on
7, Turn the collar to open the air hole
8. when you are done turn off the gas
9. When using the Bunsen burner don't get tangled up 

Thursday, May 27, 2021





This term we are learning about protests like women's suffrage and other protests. This blog post is about women's suffrage and the person who started the protest Kate Sheppard. Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool, in the UK 1847. Kate grew up and married Walter Sheppard and both Kate and Walter moved to Christchurch and Kate joined the WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union).

 Kate wanted women to have right and to vote so Kate travelled around NZ, writing newspapers, holding public meetings and talking to members of parliament. Kate Sheppard even got the support of the prime minister!

Kate Sheppard started a petition and got 32,000 people! 32,000 just look at that number of people, like wow.


NZ was the first country for women to vote.

Kate Sheppard is on the $10 note in NZ

Thank you for reading my blog. Bye for now. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Drama thing


So for drama we are making masks and I didn't get to make one because I was sick on that day, I was going to make a plague doctor mask but I couldn't because I wasn't  here on that day. 

When we started drama on the first day of school we did movement and games and it was really fun, a few weeks later we started our first blog post and it was about masks and making them, I wasn't here on the day that we started the blog and I think the day after. I was 2 days behind so I got to work with getting the materials and every thing else that I needed. Like I said before I didn't get to do my mask cause I wasn't here on that day... well I'm pretty sure I wasn't here on that day.

And now after that mask stuff we are here which we are now practising lines for a play but that's for another blog post.

Well we are still doing that mask stuff, Oh yeah! We did a play, I don't have the video, sorry.

I hope you liked reading this blog post you wonderful person, Bye for now.