
Monday, May 27, 2019

Cartouche thingy

We did a cartouche drawing. A cartouche is something that is carved in sandstone. Only people that known how to write in hieroglyphics could write on cartouches. The Ancient Egyphions thought it meant that if your name was on a cartouche you can survive in the afterlife.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Life is life (Life Ed)

Life Ed

For two days we were in a big metal box learning about the brain and what good to say and whats bad to say.

This is the class learning with Harold I can't remember
but it was fun and we learned about life.

We watch some videos and made some choices and put some cards over a line or under the line.

At the end we had a dance party but we couldn't stand up because the big metal box would shake.